Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sun analisis

As planed the sun strategies work well in to the design! they are from the main entry, the common area, the studio space and the lounge area at the dorms (looking in to the stairs). They are 6 images per space 3 for december 21st (morning, noon and afternoon) and 3 for Jun 21st (morning, noon and afternoon)

Front galeria


Common / brake


Amr Raafat said...

Great Studies, perhaps you could take it to the next level by relating it to a plan diagram and also relate it to teh functions of each space, according to the light intensity during day needed for each space, by other words the Dorms need for light is diffrent than classrooms, I see your project have a beautiful solution for that, all what you need is diagrams that support that.
good luck

werner said...

Gus, thes are beautiful images and probably helpful to develop solar shades for individual spaces, but they are not helping me to check your design decisions. Are you receiving direct sunlight on your solar panels? Are all windows on the south side shaded? How about east and west facing windows?

Gerry said...

Nice shadows on the walls! I am not sure what I am looking at – perhaps a key plan and labels for the views (showing hours and days). I have the same “offset” comment about overhangs as for others: . (Minor note: without a vertical offset or an upward slant these overhangs will reject almost all of the March sun (48 degrees) – good for glare, however).