Monday, February 11, 2008

"Carving the project"

Despite all common sense and against to my original statement to keep my project very simple and avoid significant changes. I have gone thru a deep rethinking of my project. I have taken all the input offered to me and reworked several areas of my project (extensive rework and rethinking of my studio / class roof – Werner , the addition to some areas as the Professors room – Jaclyn, adding freehand details or producing sketches to explain better the project etc) . I have now a very complex program with even more complex details!!!! I am taking the chance due the remaining time. But I am hoping I can catch up with all the work and the schedule this week. I have done a lot but It will be coming little by little (the publishing of the sheets) I am showing some of the work (so there is a record that I have been working extremely hard on this and that my intentions are to have a great project.)

The work is still in process, but i am confident I will be fine!
I am still working and I will be showing more stuff every day!


werner said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the result of your deep rethinking. Keep in mind the handicapped in wheelchairs (front door), and the sun shining predominateluy from the south...

Gerry said...

Screen treatment of facades ties it all together – I am not sure you need the same screen for the different uses but it works visually. So also, the roof treatment begins to generate real interest as we approach from the east (and the north across the bridge). Is that a “gargoyle” on the east – this could be a dramatic water feature when it rains!
It all has a very constructivist feel – as if there is real construction and structure happening.
Can you tell me where is TOLERANCE, CHANGE, etc.?